The IP management team at BITS BioCyTiH Foundation (BBF) oversees and administers the entire process of managing intellectual property rights (IPRs).
The team receives information through definite templates, conducts analysis and due diligence, and processes the invention disclosures for formal IP registration. BBF is responsible for overseeing the entire process, although the actual filings, prosecution, and further processing of the IP application are outsourced to professional IP law firms.
The IP management team at BBF caters not only to BBF supported projects but also to other organisations and institutions, lone innovators and entrepreneurs, and provides services for better management of IP portfolios.
Technology transfer is the process of transferring scientific and technological research from one entity to another for the purpose of further development and commercialization. BBF, facilitates licensing/technology transfer of IP assets and know-how of in-house technologies and technologies developed by outside entities.
Steps involved in Technology Management & Transfer
Formal Requirements/ Paper work
There are formalities to be completed prior to filing and post filing, wherein signatures on various forms and authorizations are required. The communicating inventor shall be responsible for getting all the papers signed by respective authorities in due course of time.
IP Timelines of a few common activities*
- IDF Review: 2-3 business days. This shall entail checking of details for applicant, inventors, funding or sponsoring agency, biological material, etc.
- Novelty searches or Patentability Assessments: 10 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Drafting and filing of Provisional patent application: 15-20 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Drafting and filing of Complete patent application: 40-50 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Industrial Design Application Filing: 7-8 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Trademark Application Filing: 7-8 business days from receipt of complete information.
Tech Transfer Timelines*:
- Technology Assessment: 10 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Tech Flyer Preparation: 4-5 business days from receipt of complete information.
- Scouting & Marketing: Till finding a relevant partner
- Negotiations and Agreement Signing: May vary depending upon the discussions
Miscellaneous timelines:
- Drafting Agreements (NDA, MoU, Engagement Agreement, Licensing Agreement etc.): 7-8 business days from receipt of complete information.
*Exact timelines may vary case to case.