BITS BioCyTiH Foundation successfully hosted a stakeholder meeting on 16th September 2023, at BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus. This remarkable event brought together distinguished delegates representing esteemed organizations, including the government of Goa, industry and academia.

The meeting initiated by Prof Suman Kundu, Director, BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus, welcomed all the esteemed stakeholders and introduced BITS BioCyTiH Foundation. He presented the various programs offered by BITS that harness technology and skill development for its students, researchers and innovators.

Dr Anil Wali, CEO, BITS BioCyTiH Foundation extended a warm welcome to the stakeholders and provided a concise introduction of the BITS BioCyTiH Foundation, outlining the meeting’s agenda. He mentioned the necessity for innovation ecosystem, skill gaps, advancement of technology in water, environment, healthcare, and agriculture sector. He also highlighted possible areas for deeper engagement and collaboration with the stakeholders.

Stakeholders in various fields recognized the need for technology development and bridging the gap between industry and academia. The discussion impacted keen collaboration in the arena of inbuilding AI/ML in pharma, agriculture sector, promote and implementation of robotic surgeries with providing hands on training to the operators. The meeting also identified the need for pollution and wastewater management and energy saving.

The meeting concluded with a proposal for the development of deep-tech technology and expressed their support for the establishment of a research park in collaboration with the key stakeholders. This vision will serve as a center of innovation and will promise a bright future for Goa’s entrepreneur landscape.